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(Hybrid mode of Physical & Online Event
31st October 2024 (Thursday)  2024年10月31日(星期四)

上午 10:30 am ~ 5:00 pm (HKT, GMT+8)

Venue 場地: Asia-World Expo,
Hong Kong International Airport, Chek Lap Kok, Hong Kong

Free of Charge 費用全免
CPD Certificate available upon Request for Hong Kong Resident only 

[Languages of the Forum will be in
English and Putonghua. Simultaneous translation will be provided)

Jointly Organized by 聯合舉辦單位:

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An official event of


Strategic Partner 戰略合作夥伴:


Synopsis 論壇概要

Being the 5th consecutive annual forum of the series since 2019, this “Fifth Hydrogen Economy Forum” (HEF5) is promised to be another premier event dedicated to the latest policy and technological developments for wider adoption of Hydrogen (H2) in Hong Kong for obvious reasons of environmental friendliness and carbon neutrality. HEF5 will be held in hybrid mode (i.e., both physical attendance and virtual participation).


自2019年,《第五屆氫經濟論壇》(HEF5)是第五次連續舉辦該系列的年度論壇,本屆論壇將成為另一個致力於最新政策和技術發展的重要活動,以促進香港更廣泛地採用氫能(H2),以達到環保和碳中和的目的。隨著社交和旅行限制的解除,HEF5將以線上線下混合模式舉行 (即實體和虛擬同時進行)。


In view of the overwhelming responses in the past HEFs, HEF5 will continue as a full-day event. The Co-Organisers have invited key stakeholders in Hong Kong as well as those within the Greater Bay Area (GBA) and Mainland, sharing their experiences on policy directions, project implementation, success and constraints, cutting-edge technological achievements, pilot developments as well as many other related topics.




As in previous years, we are also very pleased to continue having the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (香港貿易發展局) as our  Strategic Partner. We are delighted that HEF5 continues to be an Official Event of the Eco Expo Asia 2024.


Further, we are honoured to have Ir Dr Hon LO Wai Kwok (盧偉國 議員 博士 工程師)  GBS, MH, JP to deliver a Welcome Speech together with senior official of the Government of the HKSAR at HEF5, followed by presentations and sharing by renowned experts in the field of H2 applications.


此外,我們很榮幸邀請到盧偉國 議員 博士 工程師 GBS, MH, JP與香港特區政府高級官員在HEF4發表致辭,隨後多位氫能領域的知名專家發表演講和分享。

The event is completely free-of-charge, but the number of seats for both physical and virtual attendance are limited and will be given on a first come-first-serve basis. Please secure your seat by filling in the registration form below by 23rd October 2024 (Wednesday). Joining instructions for virtual participation will be sent to successful applicants by email Five (5) days before HEF5.



All participants will receive an electronic version of the forum booklet (e-Forum Booklet) containing the details of each speaker as well as abstracts of respective presentations and talks before HEF5. On approvals of individual speakers, the presentation files will also be uploaded on HKGSA’s website ( within fourteen days after HEF5. Continued Professional Development (CPD) certificates will be electronically distributed to participants upon request within four weeks after HEF5. Programme is tentatively only and is subject to change without notice on the date of the event. In case of questions, please email to


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Um sich anzumelden, nehmen Sie sich bitte die Zeit, die unten stehenden Informationen auszufüllen.
(Wenn Sie ein CPD-Zertifikat benötigen, werden die eingegebenen Informationen auf dem Zertifikat angezeigt)

Age Range 年齡層
Which way will you join the event? 您會如何參與是次論壇呢?
Sind Sie Mitglied der Co-Organisatoren?

In case you are not a member of the Co-Organizers, please consider joining 如果您還不是聯合舉辦單位的會員,請考慮加入:


Do you require a CPD 3-hour certificate? (An electronic CPD certificate will be sent to the email address entered above within 1 month after the event. Available to Hong Kong Residents Only) 您需要 CPD 3 小時證明書嗎? (活動結束後1個月內,電子CPD證書將電郵至上述的電郵地址,僅限香港居民)

(Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihre E-Mail-Adresse korrekt und aktuell ist. Meeting-Link und CPD-Zertifikat, falls angefordert, werden an diese E-Mail-Adresse gesendet)

Would you like to be notified on post-event posting and future events of HKGSA, HKEnvIA, HAESCO, BEC, STARS Foundation and HKH2A? 您想獲得有關 HKGSA、HKEnviA、HAESCO、BEC 、STARS Foundation和HKH2A 的活動後發布和未來活動的通知嗎?
Wo haben Sie dieses Ereignis entdeckt?

HKTDC Eco Expo Asia 2021
Die Organisatoren sind Veranstaltungspartner des Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), und diese Konferenz ist eine offizielle Veranstaltung der von HKTDC organisierten „Eco Expo Asia 2021“. Durch die Registrierung für diese Konferenz sind sich die Teilnehmer bewusst und erkennen an, dass HKTDC Teilnehmer" Informationen auf freiwilliger Basis zum Zwecke der Handelsentwicklung und Geschäftsabgleichsaktivitäten. Die Organisatoren dieser Konferenz übernehmen keinerlei direkte oder daraus folgende Haftung für die Teilnahme der Teilnehmer an den separat organisierten Aktivitäten des HKTDC.

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